2 years ago I remember telling my Mom about our hopes and dreams of moving to New Zealand. She was then, as she always is, very supportive about our family plans. And as the time moved on she and Dad helped us make this ambitious dream a reality. They helped me with everything from packing up the house, deciding which clothes to bring, staging my house before it went on the market, and just basic moral support. They did not even hesitate when we ask them to watch KD girl for us, or when we asked them to look out for our stuff in storage, and to periodically drive both cars throughout the year. Mom has always been my best friend, I know I can count on her for anything. And so as happy as Mom was for our family, and as happy I was to start our new life abroad, there was a looming sense of sadness because I was moving so very for away. Knowing that they were coming to visit during the month of Feb. helped with the goodbye's, but they were still much harder than I could of imagined. So when February arrived the kids and I were ecstatic about spending the month with Grandma and Papa, and showing them our new home. After their plane landed, we went to pick up the kids from school. And the faces on my kids as they went running into Grandma and Grandpa's arms was priceless, and brought tears to my eyes as well as my girlfriends that happen to be standing nearby. And I knew right then that it was going to be a great month, and that lots of happy memories were about to be made.
All SLC Carnival's start with a procession of the kids marching in a big square holding their club flag. |

The first weekend they were here started off with a bang as the kids had their first SLC Carnival. It was held at Fitzroy Beach, which is a popular surf beach in New Plymouth. The weather was not what we were hoping for but we all put on an extra layer and off we went. I was very proud of my kids as we had never participated in the competitions before, and were not sure what to expect. They all did their best, and had fun at the same time. Lindsey made a name for herself as she came in first in the running races. Sprinting in sand is NOT easy, but she does it with ease. She was recruited by our club to be a member of Oceans 13, which means she will have extra training next summer, and learn how to use the knee boards.

We wanted to take Mom and Dad on a road trip in NZ. There is no better way to experience the kiwi culture and see the country side than by car. We took them to Lake Taupo, which is a North Island city famous for it's adventure sports and stinky geothermal activity. Lake Taupo is the country's largest lake and probably most know for it's rainbow trout fishing. They say it is the rainbow trout capital of the universe. Dad was quite disappointed when we learned that trout is not served at any restaurants, nor can it be bought at any fish market. The region is a true wild fishery, and trout is not farmed or harvested. In order to eat some trout, we would have to go fishing ourselves, and then take it to a restaurant where they would of cooked it up for us. Sounded like a lot of work for us so we decided to go check out some adventure activities instead.
These next two pictures are of the Aratiatia Dam. The river below the dam is virtually dry most of the time, but 3 times a day the dam gates are opened and the gorge is dramatically changed into a raging torrent. They are the same picture, just one shows the river bed dry and the other is a raging class 5 rapid. The whole process took about 15 minutes for the water to be released from the dam, the river to fill up, and then for the river bed to be dry again. It was fascinating to watch the transformation of the river.
We then headed off to Orakei Korako, which is a thermal valley of bubbling pools, fuming craters, and hissing Geyser-fed streams.

This is was once used by Maori women as their beauty parlor, which is where the name Orakei Korako (a place of adorning) got it's name. |

The Book a Bach we rented had great views of the River, as well as the lake. And the night we arrived we were looking out the window admiring the view, and noticed some kids swinging on a rope swing. Well, those kids were having so much fun, that the next day we decided to go have some fun of our own. Of course, it was blast as we all acted like Tarzan swinging on the rope and flinging ourselves into the cold river. My Dad could not resist the temptation and went off a few times as well, which Owen thought was way cool that his PaPa did the rope swing!
Our Bach is in the background, the 3rd one from the right. |
The next day we climbed aboard the Sailboat "Fearless", to sail around the lake and go view the famous Maori rock carvings. It was a picture perfect, warm blue sky day. Owen quickly became buddies with the captain, and declared himself the first mate. Luckily the captain, had plenty of patience as Owen asked him 173 questions about the Lake, what lived in the lake, are pirates nearby, and what does he have for snacks??? Owen was also busy helping hoist the sails, and manning the helm. The Rock carving were fun to look at but not exactly what we were expecting. They were made 30 years ago by some local artist using power tools. Hence the name "Famous', and not "Ancient". The 10 metre-high carvings are intended to protect Lake Taupo from Volcanic activities underneath. Lake Taupo lies in a Caldera created by a super volcanic eruption which occurred 26,500 years ago.
Owen doing a cannonball off the boat. |
Because it was such a warm day the water felt good even though it was a chilly 58 degrees. |
First Mate Owen |
Helping Hoist the Sails |
3 Sisters |

On the way back home we wanted to stop and show Mom and Dad Mt. Ruapehu, which is where the ski resort Whakapapa is and where we went skiing last winter. It is also a Volcano, and looked quite erie and desolate during the summer month without any white snow to brighten up the place. And then we also stopped at the 3 sisters, to show them the beautiful rock formations.
Sugar Loaf Islands |
Back home in Oakura we still had 10 days to spend together, and show them a few more sights.

Mom enjoyed going up and watching Lindsey do her riding lessons, and Lindsey enjoyed having Grandma there to watch her ride her horse "Buddy" |

Mom loves to go walking on the beach and collect seashells or whatever other treasures she might find. Skyler and I took her one day to a beach down the coast known for it's Paua Shells. We did not find very many but we had fun looking. |
This is the Chicken coop |
Mom and I discovered this house just up the road from us that sells fresh eggs. I had noticed her sign before on my runs, but had always forgot about it by the time I got home. Mom and I drove by and we noticed the sign and went to check out the fresh eggs. We loved it and went there once a week for our fresh eggs!! I have yet to go back though as it reminds me of Mom too much.....

The eggs come in this brown bag tied up with colored string. How cute is this??? |
The kids playing with the chicks!! |
The month went by too quickly and we found ourselves having to say goodbye sooner than we wanted. Mom had to get back to her booming Jewelry Business, and get their dog out of the doggie hotel, and pick up KD girl from my girlfriend's house. I was going to miss them but I also knew that we would get to see them again in July, as we plan on coming back to the states for a few weeks. As sad as I was having to say our goodbye's, I also felt lucky that I have such amazing parents that love me and my family and will travel to the other side of the world to come and see us. And so I am thankful to love and to be loved like we do even if it makes the goodbye's harder.